
When to drink beetroot juice? Can you drink beet juice before bed?

Many health-conscious people often ask-When to drink beetroot juice? In a nutshell, the morning is the best time to drink beetroot juice to improve the digestive system and metabolism. Take the beetroot juice at least 1 hour before breakfast on an empty stomach. All the natural nutrients contained in beetroot, better absorbed in the morning on empty stomach. If you want to have a beet juice drink after breakfast, drink beet juice 2-3 hours later.

Medical experts suggest that- drinking a glass of 200ml beetroot juice (The best-bottled beet juice on AMAZON) in the morning on an empty stomach helps to absorb all the nutrients fast.

Can you drink beetroot juice before and after a workout?

You can drink beetroot juice before and after the workout. Taking beet juice before a workout boosts exercise performance, improves blood circulation, and increases endurance.

Jessica Crandall, a spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetics says that beetroot is rich in nitrate which produces nitric oxide in the human body and eventually increases blood flow. She added blood flow improves workout performance, helps increase stamina, and reduces the need for much oxygen flow in the body.

Some other studies show that beet juice help delay muscles glycogen decay which aids to exercise for longer periods without getting too tired. You can also drink beetroot juice after a workout as a supplement.

According to a study from the Northumbria University of England- Taking beet juice after the workout helps faster muscles recovery and reduces inflammation. And also makes you hydrate at once.

Consider Reading: Can you freeze beets and beet juice? (5 best ways explained)

Drinking beetroot juice before the marathon, running, or cycling-

We’ve already known beetroot juice is a super drink that aid in increasing athletes’ performance. If you love to take part in the marathon, running, or cycling, you should take a glass of beet juice before starting the race. It keeps you hydrated for more extended periods.

study shows that beet juice increases levels of nitric oxide in our body which helps boost blood flow, exchange gas, enhance efficiency and strengthen muscles contraction.

Beetroot juice also boosts cardiorespiratory endurance in athletes which increases athlete performance and delays time to muscles depletion. It also improves heart health and increases the long-term endurance of athletes.

Drinking beetroot juice immediately after extraction-

Drinking freshly squeezed juice is always better. Medical experts suggest drinking freshly squeezed beet juice rather than juice from the freezer aids in reaping full health benefits.

If you freeze the beet juice for longer periods after extraction, the juice could lose flavor, color, texture, and most importantly some of its valuable nutrients. All of your efforts to get health benefits from beetroot juice are in vain.

Make sure to use the best budget slow masticating juicer over the fast centrifugal juicer when you squeeze beet juice. The fastest juicer creates much oxidation and degrades the standard of juice.

Read Also: 4 best carrot juice benefits for hair-(with some tips)

Can you drink beet juice before bed at night?

 You can drink beet juice at night. But, you should drink the juice 2-3 hours before bed as sugar contents may increase body fat if you go to sleep as soon as drinking beetroot juice. Beet contains magnesium, calcium, iron, and lycopene which are ideal for better sleep.

Moreover, beetroots are rich in nitrate which produces nitric oxide in the body. Research shows that nitric oxide increases blood circulation, expands blood vessels, and improves brain functions which reduce brain disease like Dementia and help in deep sleep.

Besides, beet juice increases cognitive functions that decrease when we get older and helps in good sleep at old age. Some people use beetroot juice for detoxification. They believe that drinking beet juice at night before bed works best as a detox drink.

If you want to have a good sleep, avoid caffeinated drinks, refined sugar, and overeating that hamper your good sleep and increase belly fat. Increase beet juice intake for better sleep at night instead.

Read also: Can I drink pomegranate juice at night?-the best time to drink

Beetroot juice for weight loss:    

Beet juice has almost no fat and low calories. According to, Webmd– a cup of beetroot juice contains only 25 grams of carbohydrates and 100 calories which is very low. Besides, beets are the powerhouse of some essential nutrients like dietary fiber, folate, betanin, nitrate, and vitamin C that help weight loss fast, especially nitrates that produce nitric oxide which increases smooth blood flow that helps lose weight fast.

When to drink beet juice to lower blood pressure?

 Many studies show that beet juice helps lower systolic blood pressure. In 2008, a British researcher conducted a study on the correlation between beetroot juice and blood pressure and he found that drinking two glasses of beet juice (each 250ml) reduce systolic blood pressure incredibly.

But, how beet juice lowers blood pressure? Researchers found that when nitrate in beet juice reaches the stomach, it converts into nitric oxide and enters the blood. They also say that when nitric oxide is the highest level in the blood, blood pressure is then the lowest level.

Apart from nitrate, antioxidants in beets also help control blood pressure. You have to drink the beetroot juice in the morning on an empty stomach to get the optimum result.

Studies show blood pressure may fall within an hour after drinking beet juice and may have an effect after 24 hours.

 Drinking beetroot juice for skin whitening:

Beetroots are highly rich in vitamin C and iron that are beneficial for skin whitening. Vitamin C in Beet juice prevents skin from early aging, acne, and pimples, brightens dry cells and improves skin glow. Nitrate in beet juice also aids in smooth blood flow, purifies the blood, and works as skin whitening.

Is it good to drink beetroot juice on an empty stomach?

You have to drink beet juice on an empty stomach for better nutrients absorption. Drinking beet juice on an empty stomach increases metabolism, detoxes our body, improves the digestive system, relieves constipation, and controls sugar levels and blood pressure.

How long does it take for beetroot juice to work?

Study in 2015 showed that it takes for beetroot juice to work 2-3 hours after drinking and may have an effect after 24 hours. At that time, nutrients in beet juice increase blood circulation, lower high pressure, improve digestive tracts, and detoxify our body.

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